lay a foundation

美 [leɪ ə faʊnˈdeɪʃn]英 [leɪ ə faʊnˈdeɪʃn]
  • 奠定基础(或地基)
lay a foundationlay a foundation
  1. These lay a foundation for dynamic analysis and control system design .


  2. It lay a foundation for risk planning and management of water resources .


  3. The analysis results lay a foundation for the design of this prototype machine .


  4. The theoretical analysis has been studied is to lay a foundation of further Experimental Research .


  5. The analysis results lay a foundation for the further analysis of performance , dynamics and control system design .


  6. The research can lay a foundation for the industrialization of biogas technology .


  7. Lay a Foundation for the Global Planning Education in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century


  8. The method lay a foundation for quantitative analysis of RNA nucleotid sequence .


  9. Conclusion Lay a foundation for the study on three-dimension reconstruction study and other correlative systematic morphological studies .


  10. This study might lay a foundation for further study on the molecular mechanism of hair cell regeneration / repair .


  11. The aim here is to lay a foundation for the yuan to become more widely used in global trade .


  12. These equations lay a foundation for research of various wave pattern solutions and bring a convenience for further theoretical analysis .


  13. It will also lay a foundation for e-business and e-trade in the future .


  14. Objective To detect antibody profile in plague patients to lay a foundation for diagnostic anti vaccine development .


  15. So we must speed up the construction of national credit managing system and lay a foundation for social honesty and credit system .


  16. These formulas lay a foundation for improving the design quality and developing a CAD system of this kind of cams .


  17. The research purpose of advanced solar energy dynamic system is to improve efficiency and lay a foundation for further wide use in space .


  18. The relative research production can be used in intersection rebuilding and can lay a foundation for intersection integrated benefit analysis .


  19. This achievement will provide theoretical basis for cross-culture customer equity management and it will lay a foundation for further study .


  20. EducationalPhilosophy : To enable students to get the best development and lay a foundation of happiness for students .


  21. OBJECTIVE To lay a foundation for the industrialized manufacture of polylactide ( PLA ) .


  22. The Company now carries out ISO9002 Quality Control System and modern independent management system to lay a foundation for innovated development in future .


  23. Vocal music teaching should serve the performance and lay a foundation for the students to appear on the stage in the future .


  24. If they did so , it would lay a foundation of clinical nursing writing for the nurse students to be graduated .


  25. It lay a foundation for the popularity of mould standard parts and improved the utility of Pro / Engineer software .


  26. The results lay a foundation for further understanding the physiological function of male accessory glands in tettigoniids .


  27. Objective To comprehend current status of injury in the residents of Shijiazhuang city and to lay a foundation for prevention from injury .


  28. The development system can be used in other DSP development work beside spectrum analyses with its rich resource , so we lay a foundation of farther development .


  29. The second chapter , mainly argue the essential features of ideology and socialism ideology in order to lay a foundation for relationship between the two .


  30. The method will lay a foundation for more-genome-equivalent BAC library construction of CCRI 12 and cotton genome research .
